Monday, December 30, 2019

Standardized Testing Should Be Limited - 1233 Words

Laneya Cornelius Ceci Lewis Eng-101 Nov-14-16 When in Doubt, Pick â€Å"C† Standardized tests were originally made to accurately measure student achievement, but the emphasis on standardized testing today makes students hate school, they become discouraged when they don’t pass the test. Standardized tests waste money, they cause teaching to the test, the high stakes tempt cheating, and they are full of errors (Kamenetz). The Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition of standardized testing is a test (as of intelligence, achievement, or personality) whose reliability has been established by obtaining an average score of a significantly large number of individuals for use as a standard of comparison. Testing creates a limited scope of learning and success, only measuring specific areas like reading, writing, and math, rather than a full picture of children and how they learn, including creativity, collaboration skills, drive, social skills, etc. Standardized testing should be limited. Students should not have a test to determine if we get in to the school we want. It causes unnecessary stress on students and teachers. Some teachers will get paid an unfair amount if there students fail the test. Standardized tests also do not effectively measure a student’s achievements. Everyone learns differently so then why do we all take the same exact test. Students are denied a diploma if they don’t pass a test, regardless of grade point average or other evidence of scholarly achievementShow MoreRelatedStandardized Testing As A Government Requirement Should Be Limited2199 Words   |  9 Pagesobjectives are carried out. One major issue being discussed is standardized tests. Standardized tests are tests that require all students taking the test to answer the same set of questions, so it can be scored equally in every state or county that is taking it. These tests are meant to test a student’s knowledge and understanding, but over the past few years that is not the case. Standardized testing as a government requirement should be limited because not all assessments truly test student learning andRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Standardized Testing800 Words   |  4 PagesStandardized tests are not for everyone. Some students are naturally good at taking tests, while others struggle. These tests start as early as the third grade. Students should not have to worry about their fu ture being determined by a test. Standardized testing also causes many problems to some students, such as lowering their confidence level. Schools and teachers have started protests, refusing to participate in in-school testing. †Anti-testing protest is extending beyond Seattle. Across theRead MorePros And Cons Of Standardized Testing1647 Words   |  7 PagesTherefore , standardized testing was made to see how much intelligence a person has on a topic .However standardized tests don’t measure how people learn in a classroom . standardized testing is not a good way to test students because tests don’t measure an individual intelligence , tests should not be used to determine funding for school , the teachers cheat on the tests to protect the students ,and its ethically wrong to give a lot of standardized tests to kids . Teachers should take anRead MoreStandardized Testing: Socialism in Education737 Words   |  3 PagesStandardized Testing: Socialism in Education Standardized testing has become a yearly fixture in classrooms around the United States. Legislation such as No Child Left Behind holds educators and administrators responsible for the learning of students. One way to assess this learning is through the use of a standardized test, the results of which can be compared to a predetermined benchmark. I believe it’s a good idea to hold educators accountable for the work they perform in the classroom andRead MoreStudent Assessment - The Importance of Standardized Testing Essay1149 Words   |  5 PagesThe point here is that standardized testing is necessary to evaluate students and programs achievement or ability. In my opinion it is a good basic start to understanding the development of human- kind in many aspects. For example, in a school setting, standardizing tests are used to measure developmental stages or reading levels, just to name a few. School Psychologist and Counselors use standardizing testing to look at the devel opment of students. They will agree severe disabilities to be initiallyRead MoreHigh School Graduation Rate Is The United States861 Words   |  4 Pageshave contemplated why this dramatic change has occurred, and who, or what is to blame. Looking more in depth at standardized testing, and examining educator, parent, and student viewpoints in the areas of pressure, awareness, and kfgndfng can give us negative and positive viewpoints, and a possible answer to this controversial question. Through the eyes of the educator, standardized testing comes with major pressure and fear. According to a study done by the National Education Association, who surveyedRead MoreAre Standardized Tests a Valid Measurement of Student Learning?1358 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Standardized testing is one of the most passionately debated education topics in America† (Baxter, pg. 1). They became much more prevalent after the 2002 No Child Left Behind Act mandated annual testing across the United States. Standardized tests are used to assess students and teachers, however some people object the idea that the performance on a single test is a valid measure of what a student has learned, or what their teacher has taught them. In this paper I will argue that relying solelyRead MoreStandardized Testing Is Negatively Affecting The Quality Of Education Essay1467 Words   |  6 PagesStandardized Testing Takes Its Toll On Education According to Linn, â€Å"Americans have had a love-hate relationship with educational testing†, and the controversies on the use of standardized tests will probably continue long after the twenty-first century (29). How can people see the ‘love’ in this use of testing that has negative long-term effects on students? Why should the controversies live on beyond this modern century? Standardized testing is negatively affecting the quality of education givenRead MorePros And Cons Of Standardized Testing1126 Words   |  5 PagesEliminating Standardized Testing The practice of using standardized testing by schools over many years as a way of measuring student’s abilities and understanding of the material is slowly starting to change. Some schools in the New York State are shortening the test period to increase the class time as it â€Å"take(s) up too much class time, both in days of testing and in test preparation† (HARRIS). The student is usually given a limited time to complete a scantron-based test which will later be usedRead MoreEssay On Standardized Testing856 Words   |  4 PagesProfessor Donnie Faltesek 30 November 2017 Standardized Testing Standardized tests have historically been used as measures of how students are compared with one another or how much of a particular curriculum they have learned throughout the semester. Consequently, standardized tests are being used to make major decisions about students, such as grade promotion or high school graduation, and higher education evaluation. Many people consider standardized testing as an objective way of grading a student

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Public Administration Advisory Committee - 1802 Words

The UIC Public Administration Advisory Committee has assigned Aida Demirovic and Miguel Mosqueda with three tasks (1) creating an engagement alumni plan, (2) incorporating hands-on work experience throughout the program, and (3) increasing curriculum focus to include data analysis and project management. In order to conduct an extensive and in-depth analysis of the three tasks, the team took several approaches. In regard to alumni engagement the team assembled two focus groups. The focus group was chosen for its rich answers and immediate results. The results and analysis will be discussed in the rest of the paper. In regard to hands-on work experience, the team created side-by-side comparison of the top five competing institutions, and†¦show more content†¦While the volume of participants was lower than that of an electronic survey the content was much greater. The only criteria the participants had to meet was that they were alumni or within their last semester of graduati on. The questioner was created by our team, approved by our contact, and looked over by the UIC research lab. Our initial focus group was conduced by October 30th, 2014. This focus group was led by the team and consisted of two male and two female alums of the program. Of the four participants three had concentrated on financial management. One participant had created their concentration with department approval. Of the four participants want double majored in Local government. All of the participants had graduates in either 2013 or 2014. Data to follow. Second focus group to be conducted November 10th, 2014. Data to follow. Hands On Work Experience The UIC Department of Public Administration, with the work from a prior Capstone Team SWAT analysis, identified past and current students want more hands on work experience prior to graduating. In order to ascertain if assisting students obtain more work experience is a feasible project, we have researched the top five competitor programs as identified by the previous capstone team to see if they have or require work experience to graduate. They are as follows and in no specific order: 1. DePaul University 2.Loyola University

Friday, December 13, 2019

Happiness Levels and Income Levels Free Essays

Ariella Dayan (326883881) Quantitative Research Methods- Shani Greenspan November 25, 2012 The Correlation of Income Level and Happiness Level This study will investigate the relationship between income and happiness. A very popular question in today’s society is whether money can buy happiness. Happiness has been shown to be related to many things. We will write a custom essay sample on Happiness Levels and Income Levels or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is found to be related to social class, success, power, health, valued belongings, religious beliefs, companionship, being employed in a secure job, having a full social life, and more or less accumulation of money. Research shows that money does not buy happiness but it comes indirectly from the higher rank in society that money brings. â€Å"The rank-income hypothesis† was tested and found that the ranked position of an individual’s income predicts general life satisfaction. Once someone has a large amount of money they may become part of a different social group which brings more confidence and satisfaction. A persons’ satisfaction and self-esteem will increase if his social rank increases or if those who once had the same social rank him decreases. People naturally feel better and more satisfied if they are better than others. (Boyce, C. et al. 2010) People dedicate so much energy in trying to make more money, when having more money does not make them that much happier. People may be happy with their current level of wealth and stop trying to accumulate more if not for the urge humans have to compare themselves with others in every way possible: attractiveness, intelligence, height, weight, and crucially, financial success. The writer H. L. Mencken said, â€Å"A wealthy man is one who earns $100 a year more than his wife’s sister’s husband. This frustration of seeing someone â€Å"better† than you becomes a huge motivator when it comes to making more money. People are very concerned with the phenomenon of â€Å"Keeping up with the Joneses. † Hollywood made a movie about a wealthy and good looking American family and the affects they have on the people living in their neighborhood. The movie presents us with â€Å"conspicuous consumption† and comparing each other’s expensive possessions and social rank. People will always to try to move ahead of as many of their friends as possible in order to† improve† themselves. People try to enhance their social hierarchy by making unnecessary investments in order to satisfy their preoccupation with their relative social standing which the socio- economic class isn’t Ariella Dayan (326883881) Quantitative Research Methods- Shani Greenspan November 25, 2012 able to do, although we can see this form of competitiveness in the socio-economic class as well. A recent study shows that a group of people in the US who are most opposed to an increase in the minimum wage are those who make just above the minimum wage. Because if the minimum wage increases, these people will now be in â€Å"last place†, along with all the people whom they used to feel superior to. (Norton, M. 2012) Another reason why money translated to happiness often is because money has a property that many other things that matter in life do not. Money is something that can be counted. When people reflect on whether they are better off this year than last, they cannot always give an exact answer. A person cannot say that their life is 32 per cent more meaningful. This is not a calculation we are accustomed to making. Salary, on the other hand, is measurable. If a person is making a better salary they will think that they are doing better in their life. This also may explain why people are always buying larger houses and larger televisions. As people become richer, they quickly grow accustomed to bigger houses, flashier cars, and designer garments, but their possessions don’t actually make them much happier. (Norton, M. 2012) Studies show that even lottery winners, after an initial period of adjustment, don’t become much happier. The reason for this is because the faster people try to get ahead, the quicker they end up back where they started. Another research conducted in the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, asked people to predict how happy they would be if their annual income was anywhere from $5000 up to $1 million. After this, the people were asked how much money they really earned and how happy they were with their lives. It was found that people generally overestimated the impact of money on happiness. Those who earned $25,000 a year predicted that their happiness would double if they made $55,000. But when we measured the happiness of people at these two levels of income by having them rate their satisfaction with life on a cale from 1 to 10, it was found that the wealthier group was only 9 per cent happier. On the other hand, people who make very little money do become significantly happier when they earn more. But a large survey of people in the US showed that the impact of additional income on happiness Ariella Dayan (326883881) Quantitative Research Methods- Shani Greenspan November 25, 2012 tends t o fade around an annual salary of $75,000. There is no data suggesting that making more money makes people less happy but it does stop making them much happier. (Cassidy, J. 008) What people can do in order to gain happiness in a better manner is by doing something unusual with it or â€Å"giving it away†. It turns out that spending money on yourself does not make you any happier, but spending on others does. Donating to charity or buying coffee for a friend is an efficient way of turning cash into happiness. (Cassidy, J. 2008) A worldwide survey was created in 2006 by Gallup. He asked people to imagine themselves on a ladder with steps numbered from zero to 10, with the bottom of the ladder representing â€Å"the worst possible life for you† and the top representing â€Å"the best possible life for you. The respondents were then asked to say which step they were standing on. If you instruct people to think about the best possible and worst possible lives they could b e living, you are surely inviting them to compare their living standards with those of people elsewhere. This methodological quirk alone could easily explain why residents of poor countries report low scores and residents of rich countries report high ones, and it wouldn’t have anything to do with money making people happier. ( Buchanan, M. 2009) The conclusion is that happiness and money do correlate but only to a certain extent. People are more concerned with their social class, â€Å"getting ahead† and where money can get them in life than the actual amount of money. This topic should continue to be researched in order to find if in today generation a person can actually be happy with what he or she has without comparing themselves to their peers and surroundings. Ariella Dayan (326883881) Quantitative Research Methods- Shani Greenspan November 25, 2012 References Boyce, C. Christopher J. 1 Brown, Gordon D. A. 2 Moore, Simon C. (2010). Money and Happiness: Rank of Income, Not Income, Affects Life Satisfaction. Psychological Science, Vol. 21 Issue 4, p471-475, 5p http://web. ebscohost. com. ezprimo1. idc. ac. il/ehost/detail? sid=daeaee80-c08b-433b-84c3-094cde8b9e7c%40sessionmgr10;vid=1;hid=13;bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=a9h;AN=62587809 Norton, M. I. (2012). The more money, the merrier? New Scientist, 215, 40-41. http://web. ebscohost. com. ezprimo1. idc. ac. il/ehost/detail? sid=86a4832c-2e11-4055-a8c7-ba24949afac4%40sessionmgr11;vid=1;hid=13;bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=a9h;AN=78189804 Cassidy,J. 2008) Happinness is†¦. Conde Nast Portfolio; Vol. 2 Issue 7, p36-36, 1p http://web. ebscohost. com. ezprimo1. idc. ac. il/ehost/detail? sid=ab06d568-bb15-434e-b357-a6330d98f4a5%40sessionmgr4;vid=1;hid=13;bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=bth;AN=38013329 Buchanan, M. (2009) Money in Mind. New Scientist Vol. 201 p26-30, 5p http://web. ebscohost. com. ezprimo1. idc. ac. il/ehost/detail? sid=81a76105-82e3-428d-8827-47f8203d01bc%40sessionmgr111;vid=1 ;hid=126;bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=a9h;AN=37249111 How to cite Happiness Levels and Income Levels, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

An information security risk assessment of Topshop retail Essay Example For Students

An information security risk assessment of Topshop retail Essay Top Shop We will write a custom essay on An information security risk assessment of Topshop retail specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now IS Audit Report Contentss Executive sum-up Case Background Hazards Audited account program Audit Plan Framework Interview Questions A ; Documents Recommendation: Bibliography Outline1 Executive sum-up2 Case Background3 Hazards4 Audited account program5 Audit Plan Framework6 Interview Questions A ; Documents7 Recommendation:8 Bibliography Executive sum-up An information security hazard appraisal is a go oning procedure characterized by detecting, rectifying and forestalling security jobs. The menace appraisal is an indispensable portion of a hazard direction pattern designed to supply suited degrees of security for information systems. An information security hazard appraisal is a constituent of sound protection patterns and is needed by the Commonwealth Enterprise Information Security Policy ( Davis, 2011 ) . The hazard appraisals and interconnected certification are besides an of import portion of conformity with Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act security criterions. A Risk appraisal will help each bureau make up ones mind the tolerable degree of hazard and the eventful security demands for every system. The bureau so be after execute and analyze a set of security steps to turn to the degree of known hazard. The Executive drumhead study outlines the important security exposures that pertain the larceny of recognition card informations which is an information security hazard associated with Top store retail ( Gillies, 2011 ) . The hazards and exposures indicated in this audit study that is related to the following cardinal countries: Probable larceny of informations through use of card reading at the Point of Gross saless systems Probable breaches within the Top store retail company’s web Probable larceny of information from company waiters Each section as outlined indicates audit aims to be met in order to guarantee Top Shop Company is in the full conformance with the set criterions and ordinances. All parties anticipate rigorous conformity during the audit procedure where important inquiries will be answered in an honorable manner and supplying any back uping certification for the appropriate aims will be gettable one time requested. Recommendations have been offered with expected conformity from Top Shop retail to guarantee the security of its current systems and information, every bit good as information associating to its clients. Case Background Top store retail is a Britain transnational manner retail merchant of vesture, places, makeups and accoutrements. The Top Shop has about 500 shops globally in which around 300 stores are located in the UK plus on-line operations in a figure of its market. The Top Shop started as a trade name extension of the section of shops which ab initio sold manner by immature British interior decorators. The Top Shop expanded quickly because it changed its name to Top Shop which resulted in increased gross revenues and doing high net incomes ( Vacca, 2012 ) . To helped keep and managed its diverse scope of ironss and clients. Top store used a figure of Security Information System to help with the undertaking. The employed information systems include: Top store embraced widespread of the web throughout the offices, where all the computing machines were linked to one cardinal point. One director is installed at the waiter office to supervise all the linked systems in it. Top store being a largest store that sells extremely rated apparels embraced this sort of security method where the general screen being installed in an unfastened topographic point leting real-time monitoring of stocks from different locations. Point of sale system that allows over the antagonistic dealing and monitoring assorted types of goods where top store employed three types of security systems ; Directors from different locality had point of gross revenues installed on their computing machines to assist them pull off bing stock values, pricing, and locations Check out point to manage the minutess, monitor the flow of stocks and how they are being sold or refunded. Directors have other staffs installed at the door to counter look into the existent gross revenues with the reception produced by the system. This helps to cut down the happening of live minutess that lead to loss of merchandises ( Whitman, 2011 ) . This audit study chiefly focuses on top store blink of an eye check-out procedure point of sale which is a recognition card based system. Top store has several points of sale terminuss that are linked to one cardinal server operated by a senior director in the organisation. The waiter serves as a temporally cache where information are sent from the card reader, decoded and immediately compared with the Top Shop records before it is re- encrypted and forwarded through a secured cyberspace connexion to the appropriate fiscal point. Each system installed on a peculiar system as a card reader handles the undermentioned primary maps. The system can read the inside informations on the recognition card The system can formalize recognition card inside informations The system is able to roll up recognition card inside informations The system is able to have dealing inside informations. .uadd8786193edac99afe4690b62827936 , .uadd8786193edac99afe4690b62827936 .postImageUrl , .uadd8786193edac99afe4690b62827936 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uadd8786193edac99afe4690b62827936 , .uadd8786193edac99afe4690b62827936:hover , .uadd8786193edac99afe4690b62827936:visited , .uadd8786193edac99afe4690b62827936:active { border:0!important; } .uadd8786193edac99afe4690b62827936 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uadd8786193edac99afe4690b62827936 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uadd8786193edac99afe4690b62827936:active , .uadd8786193edac99afe4690b62827936:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uadd8786193edac99afe4690b62827936 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uadd8786193edac99afe4690b62827936 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uadd8786193edac99afe4690b62827936 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uadd8786193edac99afe4690b62827936 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uadd8786193edac99afe4690b62827936:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uadd8786193edac99afe4690b62827936 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uadd8786193edac99afe4690b62827936 .uadd8786193edac99afe4690b62827936-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uadd8786193edac99afe4690b62827936:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Electric Cars EssayThe system is able to publish dealing inside informations such as list of points purchased, information such as clip and day of the month the purchases took topographic point. Hazards Hazards being the major menace for top store retail store that is much known for being vulnerable to major menaces in its twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours operations ( Vacca, 2012 ) . Weak hazards countries include ; Hazards of device fiddling that may take topographic point at the point of fabrication, where the deduction causes exceeding loss of client information and impact multiple concerns that rely on the maker for the units. The affected concern and the maker will lose its repute due to the loss. Device fiddling at the concern storage that could do a company lose its repute from the loss of several customers’ information and exposes defects in the company patterns that are deemed helpful. A Point of sale use with the company systems, Point of Sale fiddling would do loss of customer’s information, exposes the clients to important hazards and finally loss of concern repute. A Broken web that causes loss of client information from the system that would do loss of repute and finally loss of its clients ( Montesino, 2011 ) . Compromised mistakes that may do a large loss of client information exposes hazards in the company web system taking to loss of company good repute. Open waiters that may do loss of customer’s information, loss of the Top store most sensitive information and besides leads to loss of company repute. Audited account program An audit program is the specific guidelines to be followed when carry oning an audit that helps the hearer to obtain appropriate grounds that are sufficient for the fortunes. Audit Area Aims Gadget card readers Make certain all component functionality is tested once they are received. Make certain all elements are biddable with appropriate criterions A ; patterns Make certain proving country has proper protection and anti-virus scanners Device use bar To do certain proper staff segregation of responsibilities are enforced Ensure appropriate security actions are in topographic point such as restricted forces entree To do certain all storage location is adequate for high hazard things To inspect how device is installed at point of sale Top store Company web To verify watchwords used is valid and working Make certain traffic cheque is in usage to detect for fishy information Make certain proper security protocols and patterns in topographic point such as: Anti virus Staff entree limitations Verify how external thrusts such as brassy thrusts are treated and if processs are in topographic point to debar infections from distributing Top store retail waiters To do certain watchwords used is valid and working Make certain proper security protocols and patterns in topographic point such as: Anti virus Staff entree limitations Verify how external thrusts such as brassy thrusts are treated and if processs are in topographic point to debar infections from distributing To do certain proper staff division of responsibilities are enforced To do certain proper waiter segregation is enforced. Audit Plan Framework The International Accounting Auditing has taken stairss to develop a model for Audit Quality that articulates on the inputs and end products factors that contributes to scrutinize quality at the battle. Linux audit model because it helps do the system more secure by supplying a agency to analyse what is go oning on the system in great inside informations every bit good as an assistance in writing/implementing new Information Technology control systems ( Whitman, 2011 ) . Linux audit model is able to supply the undermentioned characteristics doing it good suited for this scrutiny including: Capability to supply the requested party with audits sentiments. Defines aims and ways they can aline with company ends. Gratify statutory demands Interview Questions A ; Documents Audit Objective Asked Question /Evidence collected Make certain all constituents functionality is tested one time received Stairss used to prove functionality Demonstrate testing Make certain all constituents are conformable with important criterions A ; patterns Demonstrate how the unit is conformable with criterions A ; processs Ask for conformance studies Stairss taken to do certain unit is in conformance. Testing country has proper protection such as anti-virus scanners Show reports sing protection used in proving country along with their characteristics Show what protection is in topographic point Demonstrate whether if the protection maps as intended Appropriate staff division of responsibilities are imposed Provide list of staff and their entree topographic points Ask staffs indiscriminately about their entree topographic points Get list of whom has entree to countries of high hazard Suitable security actions are in topographic point such restricted forces entree do certain security steps are installed Exhibit such security is working as intended Present certification on installed security devices Provide offices layout of where appliances are located Storage location is sufficient for high hazard merchandises Inspect the type of security steps in topographic point Request for layout of storage room Staff entree logs to room Inspect how device is installed at point of sale Inspect how device is installed at the point of sale Requests for records on who has entree to device Security steps in topographic point to forestall use Authenticate watchword used is valid and working decently Question what patterns in topographic point to guarantee keys are valid, alone and secure Inspect who has entree to the key and what responsibilities they have Log study on old keys Traffic look intoing in usage to watch for fishy informations Methods in topographic point to observe fishy informations and how they are handled Traffic monitoring reports/logs Demonstration A ; trial of how fishy information is dealt with Check how external media such brassy thrusts are treated and if steps are in topographic point to forestall infections from distributing Procedures in topographic point to manage external media Demonstration A ; trial of how it’s handled What stairss are taken if virus is detected Proper waiter segregation is enforced Check waiter locations Ask what happens sing assorted scenarios to find if merely one or multiple systems are affected Check of waiter logs .u5d56e931294a1336dc6e5a7bc94d10d3 , .u5d56e931294a1336dc6e5a7bc94d10d3 .postImageUrl , .u5d56e931294a1336dc6e5a7bc94d10d3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5d56e931294a1336dc6e5a7bc94d10d3 , .u5d56e931294a1336dc6e5a7bc94d10d3:hover , .u5d56e931294a1336dc6e5a7bc94d10d3:visited , .u5d56e931294a1336dc6e5a7bc94d10d3:active { border:0!important; } .u5d56e931294a1336dc6e5a7bc94d10d3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5d56e931294a1336dc6e5a7bc94d10d3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5d56e931294a1336dc6e5a7bc94d10d3:active , .u5d56e931294a1336dc6e5a7bc94d10d3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5d56e931294a1336dc6e5a7bc94d10d3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5d56e931294a1336dc6e5a7bc94d10d3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5d56e931294a1336dc6e5a7bc94d10d3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5d56e931294a1336dc6e5a7bc94d10d3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5d56e931294a1336dc6e5a7bc94d10d3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5d56e931294a1336dc6e5a7bc94d10d3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5d56e931294a1336dc6e5a7bc94d10d3 .u5d56e931294a1336dc6e5a7bc94d10d3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5d56e931294a1336dc6e5a7bc94d10d3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Spartan Women EssayRecommendation: The followers is a listing of recommendations to chair, place or manage hazards indicated in this audit study. Device use: All constituents received should be suitably tested to guarantee no use has occurred and that they are usually working ( Montesino, 2011 ) . Any units established to hold deficient alterations or contain viruses would be obviously ascertainable and can forestall larceny of client informations. This makes it easier to pull back to where such jobs may hold come from. Storage The storage installation used to hive away the point of sale appliance should be well protected to forestall unauthorised contact with some staff or even foreigners ( Whitman, 2013 ) . These installations should hold cameras to watch the state of affairs connected with an dismay and forced staff entree that uses watchwords to log in. This makes it really easy to detect who has been in the shop country should any issues happen. Ready device As the contraption has been set up, the location should be accurately checked to do certain that no susceptible countries are present. For illustration, the exposure of certain parts could intend either a staff or client inconspicuously mismanage the device. Furthermore, the country should stay under supervising to enter discerning behaviors. Manipulated Network Appropriate security actions would do certain no suspected staff or outside entryway to transpirate on the web ( Zhu, 2011 ) . The achievement of a firewall would significantly restrict entree to merely authorised forces while anti-malware applications detect menaces inside to forestall possible information escape. Manipulated watchword A manipulated watchword would intend that any protected information if taken off from a waiter or web would be easy decoded and viewable. To relieve this hazard, the usage of a strong key is critical. However, this can besides be farther improved through the changing of the watchword after a definite clip. Openwaiters Server suites ; It’s fundamental that they remain good protected because they contain company critical information that is much sensitive ( Gillies, 2011 ) . Accurate steps that are able to scan for malware and firewalls would eliminate a batch of hazards ; conversely server separation would do certain that all constituents are individually kept. Appendix Maggs, d. ( 2012 ) . Topshop possible menaces. Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // . Bibliography Davis, C. S. M. A ; . W. K. , 2011.IT auditing: utilizing controls to protect information assets.s.l. : McGraw-Hill. Gillies, A. , 2011. Bettering the quality of information security direction systems with ISO27000.The TQM Journal,23 ( 4 ) , pp. 367-376. Montesino, R. A ; . F. S. , 2011.Information security mechanization: how far can we travel? . In Availability, Reliability and Security ( ARES ) , 2011 Sixth International Conference.s.l. , s.n. , pp. 280-285. Vacca, J. R. , 2012.Computer and information security enchiridion. Newnes.s.l. : s.n. Whitman, M. A ; . M. H. , 2011.Principles of information security.s.l. : Cengage Learning. Whitman, M. A ; . M. H. , 2013.Management of information security.s.l. : Cengage Learning. Zhu, Y. W. H. , 2011. Dynamic audit services for unity confirmation of outsourced storages in clouds. In Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. pp. 1550-1557. 1